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  4. I cannot access the Pandora FMS Console installation web page in CentOS

I cannot access the Pandora FMS Console installation web page in CentOS

It’s possible that, even having the pandora_console folder properly located ( /var/www/html/pandora_console ) and with the proper rights, (usr: apache - grp: apache - mod: 644) we cannot access the Pandora FMS Console installation web page. This could be a problem related to having SELinux active with a strict policy, which prevents us from executing the Pandora FMS’s PHP code.

In order to confirm it, we can check the Apache web server error log and search for lines regarding the application of a SELinux policy in apache.

In this case, a workaround is to deactivate SELinux. This is done by editing the file /etc/selinux/config, changing SELINUX=enforcing by disabled. Check this link to know how to do it:


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