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  4. How is the basic monitoring of GNU/Linux agents performed?

How is the basic monitoring of GNU/Linux agents performed?

Once we have installed the GNU/Linux agent in our machine we can start adding monitoring, we can add that monitoring in the following ways.

Basic monitoring from the console.

From the console we can add basic monitoring with a few clicks, we can use the GNU/Linux OS policies integrated by default in the console or we can also use module templates in the configuration in the agent console in the “Module templates” menu.

Once we add a policy and apply these modules they will be written in the agent configuration file and in the next agent interval the modules will report information and will be reflected in the agent view.

Advanced monitoring (use of scripts or plugins).

From the remote configuration we can add data modules with command executions or scripts, we can also add plugin modules.

For data modules we will use the following structure:

module_name TOP 5 Process
module_type generic_data_string
module_exec top -bn1 | sed '8,12!d' | awk '{print $NF}'

For the plug-in type modules we will use the following:

module_plugin grep_log_module /var/log/messages Syslog

If you have more doubts or want to know more possibilities, please access our wiki:


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