Pandora agent 2.1 – error while trying to call an exe file
Hi there,
I still have a Pandora 2.1 install.
I’m trygin to start an exe file that is calling an Interactive Voice Response server via a modem connected to the machine where the agent is installed.The “sonne.exe” file is located in the util directory of the pandora agent. It relies on a config file and a dll, both files are in the same directory of the exe.
I have no problem starting it via the explorer (interactive way), it works great, nevertheless, via the pandora agent, I have this message in the log file :
2010-07-15 08:47:45 Pandora_Module_Exec: CallSVI did not executed well (retcode: 259)Here are the lines added for the CallSVI module :
# Appeler SVI1 et SVI2
module_name CallSVI
module_type generic_data
module_exec sonne
module_description Appeler SVI1 et SVI2
module_interval 1
module_endI’ve configured several modules which are calling bat files located in the same directory, I’ dont know what’s wrong.
Any help would be appreciated !
In advance, ,thank you.
Best regards,