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pandorafms need a reult counter and …
pandorafms need a reult counter and …
I’ve been using pandorafms for a long time. actually it is a good useful software. I decided to add few suggestions based on my pandorafms using experience. I think it might help you to improve the usability of this software.I think pandorafms5 need “Agent Result count” in Agent detail page and “Monitor result count” in Monitor detail page. It’s not easy to get a clear idea about the result which we getting according to various filter combinations. only way we have now is going to last page, count agents/modules in that page and calculate pages using following equation.
No of result =no of pages*20+ result in last page
It is worth to add result count to those pages.(Agent detail page/Monitor detail page)sometimes we have to assign a new ip address of a device. and we can do it easily. but there is no option to change the old ip to new ip in module of that agent using massive operations.
next thing is about sorting values in monitor details page.In that page “Data” field give us a string sort not a numeric sort. I think numeric sort is much important than string sort in that field (as example find what devices have the highest HOST Latency). but some parameters may not give us a meaning from that change(eg :Host Name) this change can give us a clear idea about highest and lowest values.
I like the new search in pandorafms5 it is more powerful and flexible than pandorafms4.I suggest that adding ip search to it. because sometimes we need to find agents based on ip.(practically network administrators, engineers, operators tend to use ip address than device name/ agent name)
my final suggestion is about groups, give a more concentration about groups is necessary. creating groups in large systems make easy to manage devices. pandorafms has that feature but sub groups are not functioning very well. additionally to that if group search can added to ‘pandorafms main search’ it can makes device management and device search easier.
I know you cannot add all the suggestions to system and make changes within few days. I also don’t expect that. but I think these modifications can add extra flexibility and usability to pandorafms5.
thank you all people who involving to pandorafms project. you all are doing great job.Regards