Pandora RC

Pandora RC / eHorus agent doesn’t work on Windows XP®

You need to install .NET 4.0 framework and have at least XP SP3. You can get the .NET framework from...

Which platforms are supported?

MS Windows® (all versions, including Windows XP®), GNU/Linux (CentOS, Debian, SUSE, Red Hat) and Mac  OS (Leopard or later version)....

Keyboard does not work on remote desktop

Run (as root user) the command: rm -Rf /usr/share/ehorus/.vnc And then /etc/init.d/ehorus_agent restart

Remote desktop in GNU/Linux works but you get a gray or black screen

You are probably using a GNU/Linux distribution other than the ones tested. For this you should verify that the content...

Remote desktop on GNU/Linux does not work

Check that you have the necessary dependencies installed: CentOS 6 / RHEL 6 yum install tigervnc-server gnome-core yum groupinstall Desktop...