pondora_console login failed
the installation of Server comsole and agent was fine , no problems
when tryingto login to console get login failedmysql password (hxqfutnr) is working
mysql -u pandora -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 153
Server version: 5.1.41-3ubuntu12 (Ubuntu)Type ‘help;’ or ‘h’ for help. Type ‘c’ to clear the current input statement.
#####################################################edited Pandora_server.conf
dbuser pandora
dbpass hxqfutnr
##########################################in console include config.php
// Begin of automatic config file
$config[“dbname”]=”pandora”; // MySQL DataBase name
$config[“dbuser”]=”pandora”; // DB User
$config[“dbpass”]=”hxqfutnr”; // DB Password
$config[“dbhost”]=”localhost”; // DB Host
$config[“homedir”]=”/var/www/pandora_console”; // Config homedir
$config[“homeurl”]=”/pandora_console”; // Base URL
// End of automatic config file