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Anyone who is willing to help us with software development, document editing, or any other task that improves Pandora FMS will be more than welcome. Join us!. These are some ways to contribute to Pandora FMS:


  • Submit new modules and items for our Pandora FMS public library.
  • Send us patches and fixes if you find something wrong or you make some improvements, via GitHub
  • Report bugs and ideas via GitHub
  • Review the documentation and report problems (also via GitHub)
  • Write articles in our monitoring blog.
  • Use Pandora FMS to help your own customers if you are an IT professional and get involved in our professional partner program.
  • Tell us any good idea you have in mind to improve Pandora FMS, contacting us.


Since we released the 2.0 version, Pandora FMS console has used the Gettext standard for the Console translation. Gettext is a GNU standard that translates texts by using a powerful and versatile system. There are a lot of tools and ways to translate files with Gettext.

We also use a wonderful Canonical tool (on Ubuntu) called Launchpad to translate texts online (which requires only a previously registered user account). Ubuntu Launchpad Pandora FMS – Translations.

We really appreciate our translators‘ work. Thank you so much for your effort to make Pandora FMS more international.